Wednesday, March 12, 2014

       Holy Grail Holdings 
"Peace - Love - Forgiveness" 

Proudly Presents

Star of David - Four Blood Moons

Time is running out! Are you ready for the 
next event on God's timetable?

The Cosmic Countdown

Alignments, Symmetry & Patterns from 1990 - 2013

Data and Videos Presented By Holy Grail Holdings, LLC

The Star of David planetary alignment is a focus of the timeline presented will be from the most recent occurrences in our modern time. Starting from 1990 to 2013, these peculiar planetary alignments seem to be clustered.

 In particular, since 1990, there are 13 Star of David configurations that occur leading up to the Tetrad of 2014-2015. The 13th occurrence* is the ‘last one’ leading up to the Tetrad of 2014-2015. (See Dissection of a Tetrad chart); 

  *As the date rage is noted on the chart as being from July 22 - Aug 26, 2013 the 13th alignment is a ‘twin’ star with its double occurring on Aug 25/26. The time difference from the first ‘Twin’ Star to occur in 1996 to the ‘Twin’ Star of 2013 is 17 years. What is sort of similar is that the Twin Star of 1996 to the Tetrad of 2003 is 7 years. After 2013, there will not be another such configuration of either a Tetrad or Star of David alignment associated with a Tetrad for another 100 years or so.

The Star of David alignments appears to follow a ‘countdown’ sequence or frequency of sorts. It very much appears to be like the Total Solar Eclipses that occurred consecutively on the 1st of August in 2008, 2009 & 2010. Those 3 consecutive Eclipses appeared to signal the ‘countdown’ to the start of the 7-Year Solar-Lunar pattern. (See Solar Eclipse pattern chart) 

It appears that this same principle or ‘astronomical law’ is at work here with the Star of David alignment pattern and symmetry. The pattern likewise suggests a sort of a ‘cosmic countdown’ perhaps is highlighting the Tetrad of 2014-15. As to who or what event the countdown is specifically referring to, that will remain to be seen.

Perhaps these Star of David ‘signs’ in the Heavens could it be a countdown to the New World Order, the rise of the Antichrist, World War 3 or a combination of all the above & more. For the purposes of this study, only a better understanding of the Star of David’s numerology and patterns will be presented and considered. Nonetheless, students of Biblical Prophecy can tell you though, that Biblical Scripture is very clear as to what is coming specifically in the Last Days: sudden destruction, chaos, Antichrist, war, disease, death, Return of Jesus Christ, etc.

Perhaps all these events are already ‘written’ in the stars through such clues to be found in the Solar-Lunar Eclipses, comets and the Star of David planetary alignments. Many would agree. Perhaps but for context, the following items will also be illustrated:

1) The pattern of all Total Lunar Eclipses since 1989 to 2013 will be plotted onto the Star of David timeline. It appears that various Total Lunar Eclipses provide some spectacular symmetry as well corresponding to the Start of David configurations and frequency leading up to the Tetrad of 2014-15.

2) The Tetrad of 2014-2015 will also be noted that corresponds to certain Jewish Feasts. According to research, this particular Tetrad is the 8th since Jesus Christ. What is peculiar about these 8 Tetrads is that they have all the 4 consecutive Total Lunar Eclipses correspond to the Jewish Feast days of either Passover and Sukkot -to the very day.

3) A detailed construction of the 13th Star of David planetary alignment will be illustrated. The corresponding heavenly bodies at each coordinate and sign of the Zodiac will be noted on an astrological chart. For context the Astrological, Sidereal and Tropical Zodiacs will be illustrated along with the 4 cosmic cardinal Star Points. The 4 cardinal Stars are in the Constellations of Scorpio, Leo, Taurus and Aquarius. These Constellation Signs also correspond to the 4 Living Creatures that surround the Throne of the LORD in Heaven, as described in the Bible. From Biblical Scripture, they are known and recognized as the Man, the Eagle, the Bull and the Lion. The corresponding Star for each Sign is Fomalhaut, Antares, Aldebaran and Regulus.

4) A 3D view of the Star of David alignment of the Planets in our Solar System will be illustrated. When a Star of David alignment occurs, it is not actually configured that way in the Heavens as the actual Star of David symbol because of how we see the alignment from our vantage point in the sky. How it translates from our vantage point is a ‘T’ or cross configuration of the Planets. (See chart for illustration)

War Star

What is interesting to note about this Star pattern is that 3 of the Star of David planetary alignments since 1990 are considered to be what many call ‘War Stars.’ This term is ascribed to them because major regional wars quickly broke out shortly after their appearances in the Heavens. In the decade of 2000-2009, you had ‘War Stars’ occur in 2001, 2002 & 2007. The last 13th Star of David is predicted to be a ‘War Star’.

What this may mean is that if this Star of David pattern is valid from prior correlations to war, then perhaps 2013 will see the current major regional world conflict escalate to a major military confrontation. This could very well mean that it will involve a multi-national coalition of nations as they were for the Iraq invasion in 2002 and with the troop serge in Afghanistan that started in 2007.

To reiterate, this Star of David symbol is only construed when plotting the coordinates of the corresponding planetary alignments onto an Astrological Chart. The actual Star of David symbol cannot be configured in the sky as the planetary coordinates are on a flat piece of 1-dimensional paper. However, there are cosmic coordinates that exist that do configure an actual Star of David symbol in the Cosmos. Most astronomers, as well as astrologers do recognize this to be true. There are 6 cardinal points or stars in the Zodiac or Mazzaroth that approximates an actual Star of David symbol in the Heavens. These stars are in Aquila and in Cetus, Arcturus, Regulus, Sirius, Eridanus.


The Star of David alignments appear to have definite numerical patterns -with corresponding symmetry to other Star of David alignments and with Total Lunar Eclipses. The Star of David cluster, starting in Aug 1990 to Sep 2001 has an identical and symmetrical proportion of time. The midpoint has an incredible ‘twin’ or 2 consecutive Star of David configurations, the 4th and 5th ones in Sep. and Oct. of 1996. These 2 or Twin Star of David alignments seems to serve as sort of a fulcrum within the timeline presented.                                 (See chart of illustration) 

From observation, the 13th Star of David planetary alignments appear to be a clear countdown to the Tetrad of 2014-15. IF this is the case, for one, it makes the Tetrad of 2014-25 a phenomenon like no other Tetrad occurrence. In Biblical prophetic perspectives, the time or season in which the Tetrad occurs will witness within about 2 years, the 70th year anniversary of the birth of Israel and the 50th year anniversary of the recapture of the Temple Mount of Jerusalem by the Jewish Nation. 

Continuing in the timeline, after the Twin Star of David fulcrum time-marker you have a spectacular sequence in increasing frequency. There are 3 pair of Star of David, the 7th & 8th, 9th & 10th, 11th & 12th that begins the ‘countdown’ with increasing frequency. The Stars of David get closer to each other specifically starting with the 9th & 10th configurations. The 2nd half of the Star pattern seems to have a pattern of its own. This frequency sequence leads up to the singular 13th & ‘last’ Star of David configuration before the Tetrad of 2014-2015. It is like a celestial drum-roll. Could this celestial resonance be corresponding to the frequency like that of a ‘labor pain’ Jesus Christ warned about would characterize the Last Days before Jesus Return.

According to a generic description of a woman’s labor pains, the contractions become more intense & closer together in terms of frequency leading to the birthing. The Star of David alignments in the Heavens perhaps are just mirroring the pattern of actual ‘labor pains’ the World, the Earth, the Creation are currently experiencing. IF you are current in the real news of the day, one can not help but acknowledge that the whole World, Earth and Creation is groaning; groaning for the Resurrection of the sons of God many would say. No doubt, the state of the World is fast approaching a point of critical mass of a ‘birthing’ to come and deliverance. (Romans 8:22)


For those that speculate that tribulation and the return of Christ might possibly be corresponding to what is going on in the ‘Signs’ in the Sun, Moon & Stars, the pattern of the Star of David from 1990 to 2013 does appear to be plausible ‘Signs’.

Perhaps the profound association with the Tetrad’s Jewish Feasts of 2014-2015 means that Israel will be the focal point in the LORD’s time-table once tribulation begins. Perhaps the Star of David patterns are indeed signaling a ‘birth’ to occur of something as prophetic as the return of Jesus and the Resurrection. Perhaps there is a ‘birthing’ in more ways than one to likewise consider. Eschatologically, some Bible researchers do believe that there will be a several ‘birthings’ that can be ascribed to in the Last Days.

1) There is the ‘Christ-image’ within Believers that is forming much like a gestation period of a pregnancy, as the Apostle Paul describes in Gal 4:19 metaphorically. Believers are waiting until ‘Christ is formed i.e. birthed in you’. This spiritual process is called Sanctification of the Believer. This stage in our present time can be viewed in terms of a ‘pregnancy’ or the cocoon stage of a butterfly if you will. Nonetheless, it does involve an intense labor; a labor of love, of joy but mingled with pain and suffering along this Journey of Faith. In other words, many people will be experiencing the "Born-Again" process and experience the baptism of the Holy Ghost especially throughout Tribulation.

A Disciple of Christ strives to have this work of Sanctification by the Holy Spirit completed or in other words, come to full term or gestation. This is worked out in a Disciple’s life until the time of death/resurrection. This principle can also be applied in a corporate sense i.e. to the Bride of Christ. Corporately, once the collective ‘Bride has made herself ready’, the Bride will be presented to Christ. She will be delivered or ‘birthed’ –at the time of Resurrection. Perhaps it might very well coincide with the sudden destruction that Jesus Christ spoke about would come upon the world as a ‘women in labor’. Are we not seeing this now in the world now?

2) Then there is the ‘birthing’ of the New Age that the Luciferians, Illuminati, occultists and anti-Christians are expecting at the very end of 2012 & going into 2013. They believe that their mother earth, Gaia is ‘pregnant’ and is about to give birth to their New World Order. There rationale though has a sinister plot in that the Earth has to cleanse itself before humanity can leap into the next stage of its ‘evolutionary’ quest to godhood. What this translates to is that certain people, mainly professing Followers of Christ, need to be taken out of the way and eliminated. Gaia has to shed its skin like a snake; a very fitting depiction of Lucifer’s New World Order -‘that ole serpent the devil’ that he is.

To those that ascribe to this New World Order view and rationale, people with such beliefs as Christ Followers are impeding this ‘birthing’ of their ‘Golden Age’. This is actually true Scripturally. This satanic onslaught of evil will come to the world.

3) Lastly, you have the vision of the pregnant Woman in Revelation 12 that is in intense labor pains about to ‘birth’ the Man-Child. This vision has multiple levels of meanings; it is referring to the imagery of Jesus Christ, but there are other layers of interpretation. It can also allude to the Church and Israel in particular. Many believe, for example that it will be concerning Israel during the Tribulation Period. The Bible does describe the coming Tribulation Period, where and when Israel will be that ‘metaphor’ that will be pregnant with intense labor pains.



What all these Star of David planetary alignments could possibly mean is that Tribulation could very well take place before the 1st Total Blood Lunar Eclipse of the Tetrad of 2014-2015, which is on Apr 14, 2014 (Passover). Perhaps the time remaining up to that point will be a concrete ‘Season’ or window for the Tribulation to actually take place. Perhaps it will be the defining moment when the United States enacts and signs the 2-State Solution treaty between Israel and Palestine which is the Covenant mentioned in Daniel 9:27.



For some of the Stars of David occurrences

The Star of David alignment is the 13th since 1990 that occur in 2013 near the 13th Sign of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus that was introduced on the 13th of January 2011.

*Aug 8, 1990 to Jul 22, 2013 (eve) = 8383 days or 22 Years 11 months 13 days
*Aug 8, 1990 to Sep 3, 1996 = 2218 days or 6 years 26 days (6-2-6) or 316 weeks
*Jul 18, 1992 to Nov 16, 2002 = 3773 days (3-77-3) 10 years or 3 months 29 days or 539 weeks
*Oct 1, 1996 to Nov 16, 2002 = 2238 days 6 years or 1 month 16 days (61-16) or 319 weeks
*Nov 16, 2002 to Jun 24, 2007 = 1681 Days or 4 years 7 months 8 days or 240 weeks
*Jun 24, 2007 to Aug 5, 2011 = 1503 days or 4 years 1 month 12days or 214 weeks
*Nov 14, 2011 to Jul 22, 2013 = 616 days (6-1-6) or 1 year 8 month 8 days (188) or 88 weeks
*Nov 13, 2012 Total Solar Eclipse to eve of Jul 22, 2013 start of Star of David alignment = 8 months 8 days or a (8-8) numerical sequence



The listed events surrounding the celestial configuration are only noted as they occurred within 2-3 years before and after the alignments-in some cases and are only ‘suggestive’ as possible links to such alignments for your consideration.

1st Alignment: 1990 (1989-1991 time period)
- Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
- The Gulf War I begins
- Berlin Wall comes down
- Reunification of East & West Germany
- Soviet Union starts to collapse
- Civil war breaks out in Yugoslavia

2nd Alignment: 1992 (1992-1993 time period)
- NAFTA signed
- Olympics in Spain
- Standoff in Waco, Texas

3rd Alignment: 1995 (1994-1995 time period)

Prime Minister Rabin is assassinated
- Oklahoma City federal building is bombed

4th Alignment: 1996
- 2 hurricanes occur on the U.S. east coast, Edouard & Fran
- 30 black churches are burned down in the South

5th Alignment: 1996 - Twin Star
- First cloned sheep is born
- The death of Mother Theresa & Princess Diana

6th Alignment: 1998 (1998-1999 time period)
- Columbine school shooting
- The Euro is introduced in Europe

7th Alignment: 2001 (1999-2002 time period)
- The U.S. Stock Market declines
- The Dot Com crashes
- Enron exposed & collapses

8th Alignment: 2002 (2001-2003 time period)
- U.S. national deficit soars
- USA invades Iraq
- Gulf War II & continual insurrections

9th Alignment: 2007- Jun
- U.S. housing bubble bursts
- U.S. subprime mortgage melt down
- Collapse of U.S. & world financial institutions

10th Alignment: 2007-Sep
- Coalition war in Afghanistan continues
- Benazir Bhutto is assassinated
- Gaza conflict between Israel & Hamas
- U.S. mortgage meltdown continued & worsens
- U.S. banks look to government for bailouts
- U.S. auto companies look for government bailout - Global recession worsens

11th Alignment: 2011 - Aug
- Tension in the Middle East escalate –Arab Spring
- Natural disasters increase in various parts around the world
- Great economic crises continues in many countries
- Global investment in markets fall worldwide

12th Alignment: 2011 - Nov
- Redistribution of world wealth through austerity measures
- Greece economy begins to crumble
- Obama health care plan after approved in 2010, hits roadblocks

13th Alignment: 2013 (2012-2014 time period)
- Projected nuclear program of Iran & N. Korea matures
- Violence projected to Increase in U.S & world
- Economic collapse projected to occur as dollar falls
- New world currency projected to replace world reserve currency $


The geometry of the Star of David is simply a geometric configuration having 2 interlocking triangles that have 6 equidistant points within a 360 degree circle. One triangle is facing up & the other facing down in a 2-dimensional aspect ratio. When the Star of David is transposed into a 3-dimensional plane, you get a pyramid, which is called a tetrahedron. The fusion of 2 tetrahedrons together is called a Star Tetrahedron. This unique geometric configuration would perfectly fit into a box or square that formers a smaller square at its core; a square within a square. There are other elements that incorporate this geometry & symbol, below are just a few to consider.

The flag of the nation of Israel currently has the Star of David or ‘Magen David’ (  ). This symbol is famous & very recognizable around the world. It is a symbol that represents Judaism in general. Even though the symbol within Judaism is ascribed to King David, according the available research, King David was not associated with such a symbol at all. On the other hand, the Hebrew Bible does speak about his son, King Solomon that did have a peculiar ‘Star to his god’. This was not to YHWH but to various satanic fallen angelic deities & their religions based on astrology & star configurations. Such occultic symbols served to guide people’s lives, decision-making, trust & fate.

The occult also uses the Star of David but they do not call it that. The symbol is far more ancient than that ascribed to King David or Solomon. To the occult, the hexagram is used as a sinister tool. It is used to induce spells, call up demons & is alleged to help enter into the spirit dimensions beyond our space & time through ‘astro-travel’ for example. The occult use this symbol to incorporate its astrology & combine it with satanic magic rituals for evil purposes & to attempt to thwart God’s complete Plan of Redemption for mankind, the Justification, Sanctification & ultimate Glorification of the Bride of Christ.

The esoterics uses the same symbol as a potent representation of the relationship between the macrocosm & the microcosm within the know universe. It is incorporated in the quest to understand & quantify the Creation, the universe, between Heaven & Earth, union of opposites, etc. It is the ‘As Above, So Below’ principle that is seen in the occultic & mystical Jewish Kabala & the Tree of Life cults around the world. It also appears is the Buddhist, Theosophical & other Eastern traditions.

The science of the Fibonacci sequence or the Golden Ratio φ is another example of where this symbol is expressed but in pure mathematical terms. It is the fractal that makes up the order of design in all of Creation. This Ratio can be seen in natural designs, growth patterns such as with flowers to hurricanes, in the human DNA, the human body, in art & architecture - just to name a few properties.

A TETRAHEDRON PATTERN A tetrahedron or a 3D pyramid is the only convex perfect polyhedron of the 5 Platonic Solids known to exist in the universe. These Solids comprise the building blocks or the foundation of everything in our known physical world. A tetrahedron composes 4 triangular faces, 3 of which meet at each vertex –that is at the ‘top’ or apex of a pyramid for example when placed on a flat surface. It has 6 edges altogether. For example, the most common geometric shape of the tetrahedron arrangement is water; we drink tetrahedrons everyday. This is H2O or 2 hydrogen & 1 oxygen molecules.

Metatron's Cube An example of this tetrahedron principle can be seen in the Metatron’s Cube. This geometric form is used as the standard of measurement for other esoteric sacred geometric forms such as the Seed of Life, the Flower of Life, and the Tree of Life. It is even said to be able to be mapped onto the human body –as in the organs, etc. Hebrew Alphabet

The Hebrew Alphabet is based on the Star of David geometric layout. Each of the 24 letters of the Hebrew alphabet forms the Star of David configuration when combined together or assembled within the layout of the symbol.

The Sealed 144,000 The tetrahedron has an association with the Book of Revelation in chapter 14. This chapter deals with the sealing of the 144,000 number during the Tribulation. Geometrically, this number is associated to a tetrahedron summation in numbers. To reiterate, the tetrahedron has 4 faces or surfaces. If you intertwine 2 tetrahedron or pyramids, they form a Star Tetrahedron. This form will thus produce 36 points altogether. Thus when you multiply the 36 points x the 4 surfaces, you end up with = 144.

NEW JERUSALEM – A STAR TETRAHEDRON? In the Book of Revelation chapter 21, we see the coming down of the ‘City of God’, the New Jerusalem. It is the very Throne Room of the LORD that literally will super-transpose itself onto the Earth. It will have its foundation centered from where Jerusalem is now in Israel. Is it no wonder why Jerusalem as always been the most contested piece of land ever? It will be a time where literally it will be ‘Heaven on Earth’. This is said to occur after the Great White Throne Judgment where the Bible declares that the LORD will make ‘all things new’ -a New Heaven & New Earth’. At that time, dimensions will mesh to create a new reality for ‘Eternity Future’.

Perhaps this New Jerusalem will actually be a Star Tetrahedron; a Star of David in 3 or 4-deminsinal aspects. Based on the given measurements that are described in Ezekiel, many speculate that the New Jerusalem will be a ‘cube’ or a ‘pyramid’ in shape. Both geometric configurations are valid as both measurements concur, from a 3-dimensional point of view. What if it is actually both one in the same, a Star Tetrahedron? Basically it would be 2 intertwined 3-deminsional pyramids within a square.

This geometric configuration incorporates both the cube & the pyramid into the 4th & perhaps other dimensions the LORD has in store for His Redeemed in the New Jerusalem. Also realize that a Star Tetrahedron would incorporate a ‘square within a square’. This would allow for the very Holy of Holies which is a perfect square, to be with the confines of the cubed city that incorporates 2 tetrahedron. (See chart of illustration) When we see visions of the Throne Room of the Lord in the Bible, it is always a perfect cube, as with the Tabernacle of Moses, the Temples, The New Jerusalem, etc.

As the New Jerusalem will incorporate some of the same elements & principles of the movable Throne of God as described in Ezekiel; having ‘wheels within a wheel’, perhaps this New Jerusalem will be also some sort of a Merkavah. This ‘chariot of God’ as described in the Bible seems to be a vehicle that transfer or transport the LORD. Perhaps the New Jerusalem will have this Merkavah like properties to portal itself into our space & time dimension Is this far-fetched? The Star of David sacred geometry alludes to this possibility.

In January of 2010 a celestial anomaly was discovered in the Heavens & its image was captured by the Hubble Telescope. Scientists could not decipher if it was either an asteroid or a comet or remnants of either. They nonetheless labeled this object P/2010 A2. What was & is very peculiar about this object is its geometric shape. The object has a very long streak or tail like a comet but it has neither a coma nor a nucleus that a comet would have. It has no apparent asteroid composition or center mass that is defined. Instead this object has a pronounced Star of David geometric design. (See diagram for illustration) Could this be a ‘celestial chariot’ or Star Tetrahedron – Merkavah streaking across the Heavens? Or could it be just subjected to the frequencies of the speed based on its size & matter composition to reflect this design due to its vibration & resonance? Perhaps.

THE COSMIC GEOMETRIC KEY Many believe that the geometry of the Star of David at certain celestial dimensional levels can be used as a trans-dimensional ‘Key’ to open ‘gates’ or celestial portals, doors to the Spirit Realm; even to Heaven itself. Perhaps at the 13th Star of David ‘key’ staring in mid July of 2013 could be the ‘Door’ that the LORD opens to Rapture His Bride out of this present dimension using this Star of David alignment that will align itself to the GATE OF GOD & GATE OF MAN axis that runs through the Galactic Equator & Center. This is only speculation. It is just interesting to delve a bit into the possible meta-physical properties that might constitute the mechanics of the actual Rapture. It so happens to be the 13th Star of David planetary alignment occurs in 2013 near the 13th Sign of the Zodiac that was incorporated/added on Jan 13 of 2011. (A 13-13-13-13 numerical sequence)

The Star of David worship goes as far back as the Tower of Babel. When the Bible describes that men wanted to ‘reach the stars of Heaven’ it was not necessarily prescribing the quest for height. Some Biblical research actually suggests that the Tower of Babel was a quest to construct a trans-dimensional ‘gate’ or portal, door into the Spirit Realm using a ‘key’ that incorporated esoteric knowledge based on sacred geometric technologies. It was a quest of man to basically enter or ‘invade’ Heaven itself & reach ‘godhood’ status; much like lucifer. Perhaps this is why the LORD took a very drastic step to confound the single known language of man to have this type of technology and/or knowledge lost.

The very meaning of the word Babel has a connotation to being a place of a Gate, a ‘gate or Door of the gods’. Many Biblical scholars speculate that the geometric configuration or symbol that King Solomon had i.e. the Keys of Solomon was alluding in part to Remphan or a hexagram. Why the LORD forbids such practices is because such geometric configurations & esoteric knowledge mixed in from fallen angels, perhaps provides such a possibility to be able to operate the geometric ‘Key’ to delve into the door of spiritual dimensions; certainly quantum physics & meta-physics postulate that it is possible in theory.

SUMMARY The Star of David alignments appear to have definite numerical patterns with corresponding symmetry to other Star of David alignments & with Total Lunar Eclipses. There are 13 Star of David planetary alignments that occur since 1990 leading up to the Tetrad of 2014-2015. Like the Total Solar Eclipses on the 1st of Av that occurred in 2008, 2009 & 2010 that starting the ‘countdown’ to the 7 year Solar-Lunar pattern, it appears that this same principle or ‘astronomical law’ is also at work with the Star of David alignment pattern leading to some sort of a cosmic countdown.

Perhaps it is like a celestial drum-roll that could be corresponding to the ‘labor pains’ that Jesus Christ warned about would characterize the Last Days before His Return. According to a generic description of a woman’s labor pains, the contractions become more intense & closer together in terms of frequency. It just so happens that the Star of David alignment pattern in the Heavens likewise has an increase in frequency leading up to singular one right before the Tetrad of 2014-15. This is assuming that the Tetrad of 2014-25 is when the LORD will focus back on national Israel & could very well be within the Tribulation Period as prophesized in Daniel 9.

Perhaps the Rapture of the Bride of Christ might possibly be connected to such a unique pattern of the Star of David alignments from 1990 to 2013; they do appear to be a plausible ‘Signs’. Maybe they are signaling something prophetic that is to be ‘birthed’. Perhaps we are entering into a time where there will be a ‘birthing’ of multiple prophetic events in these Last Days. Will the Rapture be one of them? We shall see within a year & a half time.


Complete PDF Download: 


 Star of David - Cosmic Countdown Explained:


Check out Scottie's - YouTube:

The Prophetic SUPER MOON of 2015! 


The Most Logical RAPTURE Theory on YouTube! 



The Harbinger Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

ALERT! PROOF The Biggest EVENT in History is About to Happen - 1 Hour




John Hagee Four Blood Moons 
Mark Hitchcock - Billye Brim - Jose Bernal - H. Lindsey 

These prophetic teachings are like you have never
heard before! The Jewish meaning is revealed
behind the coming Four Blood Moons.

Interested in the future? Do you want to know what will
happen to Christians before Jesus' return?
These teachings & books walk you through the details of the Bible, giving Scripture verses and historical dates of when things happened in the past and how they will affect our future. As Creator, God has exact control of everything: the sun, the moon, the stars. The earth is God's billboard.  

Pastor John Hagee - Four Blood Moons 
2 Hours - Uncut Version                                                  

2 Hours - Uncut Version  


John Hagee - Glen Beck



 The Harbinger Based on Isaiah 9:10  


"The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn was written for a time such as this, mesmerizing and fascinating from beginning to end. In light of current events, this book is an eye opener for everyone. The book is presented in a narrative fashion and uses scripture to demonstrate the ties between the
destruction of ancient Israel and America.

Anyone searching for answers in the midst of the chaos, unrest and fear that is prevalent in America today will find "The Harbinger" provides a glimmer of hope. Cahn offers these words from scripture "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their


Pastor Jonathan Cahn - Author of The Harbinger

  The Harbinger 1 - 1 Hour


 The Harbinger #2 - "Heavy" !!! - 1 Hour 17 Minutes




Host Sid Roth Interviews Mary K. Baxter - 25 Minutes 

Mary K. Baxters Audio Website link below:


Ron Wyatt Officially Discovered and The Founder of: 

Noahs Ark - The Ark of The Convenant - Sodom & Gomorrah - Red Sea Crossing - Mt. Sinai

  Noahs Ark- 2 Hours

Noahs Ark Found - The Original Noah s Ark Documentary - 2 hours



Ark of the Covenant Discovery by Ron Wyatt

                    1 Hour                                                             37 Minutes


Wyatt Museum:


The Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

The most fundamental Biblical truths may sound like a foreign language even to some who call themselves Christians, since for a long time they have neither sought nor "received the love of the Truth" (II Thessalonians 2:10). Jesus said, "I am the Truth... [and] as many as I love" (John 14:6; Revelation 3:19); He did not say "as many as love Me." His love is "elective love." It is the many that are loved of God. It is His 'agapao' love for His elected, not our human 'phileo' love for Him. His love for His elect is apart from human merit, for the purpose of God stands in election which is the opposite of works or anything man has of himself. "In words of the Scripture, before the children were born God declared: Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated"  (Genesis 25:23; Romans 9:11, 13).

You will know He loves you if He is in communication with you, imparting His mind by a clear understanding of His Word, which is faith, inspiring, admonishing and correcting you in love, that you may become a written epistle of the present Truth, which is the Message for your day, and overcome the world by obedience to it (Revelation 3:19; I John 5:3-4).


John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ..         

John 14:6 - Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,  and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me...

 The Lord's Prayer - KJV - Matthew 6:9-13

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: 
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

The Ten Commandments

KJV - King James Version

And God spake all these words, saying, I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage
  1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
  4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
  5. Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
  6. Thou shalt not kill.
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  8. Thou shalt not steal.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
  10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

The Original Teaching of Jesus Christ Church Directory:

Calvary Chapel Church
"Over 1500 fellowships throughout the World"


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Calvary Chapel Church Finder  

Jews For Jesus:


Resources and Data Provided by:
Tommy Venables     
"Live and Love Like Jesus"

Andrea Bocelli & Celine Dion - The Prayer [Official Live Video]

Holy Grail Holdings, LLC
"Peace - Love - Forgiveness"

KJV  - John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, 

and the truth shall make you free

Come Jesus Come....

Tommy Venables
Holy Grail Holdings, LLC
"Peace - Love - Forgiveness"

My Blogs: 

Star of David 4 Blood Moons:

Star of David 4 Blood Moons (2):  

Time is Running Out:

My Bio & True Story - Saved By Mercy and Grace:

Resources and References:

How to Be Saved!:

False Prophets and The Anti-Christ: 

Starting with God - Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 . . .

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, 
the whole aim and the end of human existence"  - Aristotle

Pastor Shawn Thornton from Indiana - Calvary Church, Westlake Village, CA - USA

Calvary Church Website:

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 - Everything Is Meaningless Under The Sun!

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